Wednesday, May 03, 2006

10 Security Risks to Live By

1. Security is not black and white.

2: The road to least privilege is a long one.

3: Sacrificing security for compatibility is a bad idea

4: Using the Windows Power Users group is never an answer to least privilege.

5: Your enterprise is only as secure as your most- and least-technical users.

6: "Not knowing" is often your biggest exposure point.

7: If you trust a single piece of security technology to do everything, you’re making a big mistake.

8: Any vendor who claims "100% security" is probably lying to you.

9: Not deploying updates is expensive.

10: The next big thing probably won’t do it all.

Be prepared. Be proactive. Be secure.

The excerpts of this article was obtained from the May volume of Microsoft Technet Magazine. The full article can be viewed at


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